Ogilvie Preschool
Welcome to Ogilvie Preschool!
Ogilvie Preschool provides a caring and supportive environment in which children can succeed. Children are engaged in hands-on learning by using developmentally appropriate practice and exciting teaching techniques. In preschool, the child develops as a whole. This means providing meaningful experiences that build upon and support social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development. Students become active participants in the learning process, which will enable them to become life-long learners.
25-26 PreK 3 and PreK 4 Registration Link will open on Monday, March 3rd.
Class Offerings for 2025-2026
Preschool 4 T/TH Section: 7:40 am - 2:00 pm (morning & afternoon bus option, along with Cub Care (additional fee) option) Tuition is $185/month with a sliding fee scale option for families who qualify. VPK & Scholarships available!
Preschool 4 W/F Section: 7:40 am - 2:00 pm (morning & afternoon bus option, along with Cub Care (additional fee) option) Tuition is $185/month with a sliding fee scale option for families who qualify. VPK & Scholarships available!Preschool 3 T/TH Section: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Tuition is $120/month with a sliding fee scale offered for tuition. Scholarships available!
(Lion Cub Care available BEFORE class only for additional fee)
Preschool 3 W/F Section: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Tuition is $120/month with a sliding fee scale offered for tuition. Scholarships available!
(Lion Cub Care available BEFORE class only for additional fee)Thank you for your interest in Ogilvie's Preschool programs. Ogilvie is proud to offer a 4-Star Award Rated program to our area families!Please complete the online form to have your child enrolled in Ogilvie's Preschool 3 or 4 program for the fall of 2025. Preschool 3 students MUST be 3 years old by September 1, 2025 and toilet trained (unless stated on their Individual Educational Plan) and Preschool 4 students MUST be 4 years old by September 1, 2025 and toilet trained (unless stated on their Individual Educational Plan).Transportation
PreK 3 does not offer transportation for general education students. Transportation is the responsibility of the parents or guardians. Van transportation is available for students who qualify for Special Education Services and/or an Early Learning Scholarship. (Lion Cub Care available BEFORE class only for additional fee)PreK 4 students are able to ride the school bus TO school in the morning. Lion Cub Care is available through Community Education (for an additional fee) after Preschool 4 from 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm with the option for students to utilize Cub Care and then ride the bus at 3:30pm.
Please note:Your registration is not complete until the registration fee of $25.00 is paid (either by cash/check to the Elementary office OR online via E Pay). *The registration fee does NOT apply to students who already receive Early Childhood Special Education services and have a current I.E.P. Register by April 30th and the $25 registration deposit will be WAIVED!Like "Ogilvie Early Childhood" on Facebook for the latest information regarding ALL of Ogilvie's Early Learning opportunities.
Contact Mrs. Kotsmith with any registration questions:
320-272-5050 ext 126 or tkotsmith@ogilvie.k12.mn.us
Ogilvie Preschool Earns 4-Star Rating!
Parent Aware is a new online rating search tool for parents in Minnesota to find child care and early education providers committed to school readiness. Through Parent Aware, providers such as Ogilvie Preschool volunteer for an objective program assessment. The assessment looks at a number of proven quality-indicators and measures a number of kindergarten-readiness best practices like physical health and well-being, teaching and relationships, assessment of a child’s progress, and teacher training and education.The rating acts as a Consumer Reports-style symbol of quality and is posted on the Parent Aware website – www.parentawareratings.org. Parents can search the site to get information that is easy to understand and useful in making decisions about children’s early learning experiences.Ogilvie Public School Preschool Program has earned a 4 Star Parent Aware Rating since 2013 –the highest rating possible!