The Snake River Swim Club has chosen its name in order to represent its background and connection that water has throughout its surrounding area.  The Snake River runs through Kanabec County and surrounding areas (e.g. Mille Lacs, Pine, Aitkin, etc.) and connects these areas through the power of water.   This is what the swim club would like to do; connect one another through the elements of water in order to create a sustainable swim community. 


    Spring March Session @ 3:45-5pm & 4-5:15 pm 

    When: March 3-May 2, 2025 - Monday through Friday 

    Where: Ogilvie High School Pool

    Who: K-12th grade, boys and girls combined 

    • K-6th: 3:45-5:00 pm
    • 7-12th: 4-5:15 pm 
    Cost: There are 3 ways to pay
    1. Buy a $25 punch card that is good for 5 sessions
    2. Pay for a month at a time $150
    3. Pay for the whole spring session $225

    Click Here to Register:

    Click Here to Pay